May 2009 Newsletter |
President: Linda Arnold
Newsletter: Diana Patton
497 Stony Brook Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Georgous Green Greetings!
And pink, lilac, butter yellow, and more!
What a spring!
Puts a spring in your step!
And you will step springily to our next meeting, Monday, May 18th at the Somerset County Library, 7:30 pm, for a watercolor demo by Mark DeMos.
Some of you have seen Mark demo before; his light-filled, fresh and clean, loose traditional watercolors are a joy. Mark is a member of several art associations (among them the NJWCS) and a multi-award winner. You will have a delightful and informative evening indeed. If you want a preview of some of Mark's work, you may go to
www.njwcs.org/gallery3.htm which is the
NJ Water Color Society website gallery (Joan McKinney and your editor also have work there-there are 3 pp. of paintings, not in alphabetical order)
RVAA's trip to New York City, AKA the Big Apple, went very well thanks to the efforts of Mary Ann Vaccaro, our chairwoman. About 22 RVAAers and friends immensely enjoyed the sunny art-filled day. Several special exhibits at the Met were seen, including the later luminous paintings (oil and watercolor) of Pierre Bonnard, a special porcelain exhibit, postcards, and more. (your editor had a great time, including a good lunch with Susan Boyd, Marilyn Francis, Joy Ho, Mary Sommers, and Peg Tombro). Then we had the American Watercolor Society Show at the Salmagundi, prefaced by a good look at the Forbes Museum, with toys and games, paintings and sculpture, and more. You shouldn't have missed it, those who did. Thank you very much, Mary Ann, for persevering and getting this show on the road.
Speaking of getting things on the road, our member Audrey Wreszin has been responsible for getting your newsletter to you, lo these many years. Audrey always has the newsletters copied, and then addresses (labels kindly provided by Doug Axmann) and stamps them, and mails them. Every month. For years. On time. All the time. Hooray for Audrey!...ailing. She has made my job so easy for years...I get to do the fun part of writing, and I never worry about my words getting to you, thanks to Audrey. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Audrey, from all of us at RVAA, but especially from me.
Guess what? Member Susan Boyd has kindly volunteered to follow in Audrey's shoes and will be doing this job starting in September. Wow! And member Peg Tombro has agreed to take on Program Provider! President Linda Arnold will have one less thing to do! RVAA thanks both Susan and Peg.
A brief word on our show in November at the Bernardsville Library-Judy Hummer has kindly agreed to chair this and Mary Creasy will help her. Thank you, both! This is a lovely venue and a great opportunity for us. Best work forward!
We wish our Treasurer Barbara Fiorentino good health and shoulder-mending very fast. Barbara broke her shoulder just before the bus trip and so had to miss it. And President Linda Arnold would like your editor to pass on a big thanks for ALL who volunteered their time this year......we look forward to many more "helpers" next year!
We are sorry to note the deaths of Janet Gerlach and Phyllis Newman. Janet was a longtime member of RVAA in the past-she even wrote our newsletter from about 1979-1985, was an excellent watercolorist, and taught piano. She had about 70 students each week. Phyllis was also an excellent watercolorist, who many knew. She was especially well known for her watercolors of the Red Mill at Clinton.
October 2, 2009 through October 10, 2009 the TEWKSBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY will present:" Color My World" The 20th Anniversary Annual Art Show & Sale in the Zion Lutheran Church Christian Education Building. "Our theme this year for the juried work is, "Color My World." The parameters for the numbers of juried works accepted, types of art, subject matter and media remain the same. The juried selection process has changed! All juried work must be submitted by photograph, postmarked no later than August 21st. The judge will select the paintings accepted for the show, and we will notify you which works are declined so that you will bring only the accepted work on October 2nd or 3rd. We hope that this will save both the artist and our volunteers extra travel time and handling of the art work. Submission for Cash & Carry and Portfolio remain the same. For application and more information please contact Co-Chairs: Alice F. Walters 908-832-2369
or Kathy N. Halsey 908-876-9343
RVAA members in the juried Bernardsville Library Art Exhibit included Linda Arnold, Pat Barnebeo, Ken Bernhardt, Bill Gilbert, Rita Gorky, Judy Hummer, Linda Lam, Joan McKinney, Jill Nanfeldt, Donna Souren, and Peg Tombro.
ELSA HERRMANN was awarded First Place in Professional Watercolors for her painting, "The Ingrid Ann", in. the Laurelton Art Society's Festival of the Arts. In addition, her oil painting, "Trawler", was accepted by the Belmar Arts Council for their 5th Annual Juried Art Show during the month of April.
DONNA SOUREN was invited to exhibit her paintings at the Albrook School,
( a private Montessori school), in Basking Ridge, thru the month of February.
Her watercolor, "Iris Softly Flowing", was accepted into the Benardsville Library Annual Juried Show. In May, Donna will be the exhibiting artist at the Trinity United Church. The church is 160 years old & is located at 118 King George Rd., Warren. The "Meet theArtist Reception" is Sunday, May 17th, at 11:30. Anyone who would like to attend is welcome!
As you know, this is the last Newsletter until September's, but that must not prevent you from snail or emailing me YOUR NEWS!!! I shall keep it all in my file for the next Newsletter, so do send me some! Happy Summer!
Previous Newsletters
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Apr. 2009 newsletter
Mar. 2009 newsletter
Feb. 2009 newsletter
Jan. 2009 newsletter
Nov. 2008 newsletter
Oct. 2008 newsletter
Sept. 2008 newsletter
May 2008 newsletter
Apr. 2008 newsletter
Mar. 2008 newsletter
Feb. 2008 newsletter
Jan. 2008 newsletter
Oct. 2007 newsletter
Sept. 2007 newsletter
May 2007 newsletter
Apr. 2007 newsletter
Mar. 2007 newsletter