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Raritan Valley Arts Association



April 2008 Newsletter   President: Linda Arnold
Newsletter: Diana Patton
497 Stony Brook Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Spring (ing in like a lion) Greetings!

Writing this on the first day of spring, which happens to be very windy and COLD However, you'll find spring in your heart on Monday, April 21st, 7:30 pm at the Somerset County Library, when you'll enjoy a demo by Seppo Siimes, an en plein air oil painter, who will talk and demo plein aire painting for us. You may have caught Seppo's delightful exhibit at the Somerset County Library recently. (Your editor really enjoyed his show) Lib Ryman will be doing the hospitality for us and RVAA thanks Lib!

A great time was had by all last Monday watching Jim Leslie do an oil self-portrait. Someone was so thrilled by the demo that she left her white gloves; please phone President Linda Arnold at 908/637-3610 as she has rescued them!

Our bus trip to the Big Apple will now be Saturday, April 19th. , Mary Ann Vaccaro, our Trip Coordinator, tells us there are still seats available, so please contact her. This trip is always fun-first of all, for only a $25. check made out to RVAA you have complete chauffer-type bus service (with a bathroom) to the Metropolitan Museum of Art uptown, and then to the American Watercolor Society Show at the Salmagundi Club downtown (or you can spend the whole day at the Met since the bus will return for you). Keep in mind that round trip train fare to the City is now about $15. and bus and subway fare in the city is a couple of dollars each way, and you know you're saving $ and getting door to door service (you do have to pay for Met entrance and your lunch) We meet at the upper parking lot of the Somerset County Library at 8:15 am on the April 12th (bus leaves 8:30). All that art and all that arty camaraderie, and some snacks on the way home (home about 6). Please mail your check to Mary Ann Vaccaro, 105 Brokaw Court, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. For further info you can call Mary Ann at 908/704-1685. If you wish, go to www.americanwatercolorsociety.org !

Flash!!!! There are several special exhibits on at the Met then, including:
         *Gustave Courbet        *Jasper Johns      *Pop Art-Works on Paper
*Anatomy of a Masterpiece-How to Read Chinese Painting
        *Poussin and Nature-Arcadian Visions
               *Beauty & Learning-Korean Painted ScreensL
(and your editor's favorite-seriously)  *Radiance from the Rain Forest-Featherwork
     in Ancient Peru

Exhibit Opportunities

The Lamington Presbyterian Church Annual Basket Day Event-May 6th and 7th If you are interested, please contact Rebecca Walters 908/287-1109 or Rwalters87@gmail.com for more information. This will be a "trade show format"; racks and tables are provided.

Art Show at St. Mark's in Mendham - Juried Art Show & Small Price Sale, May 3rd and 4th with cash awards and honorable mentions. Receiving April 26-27. For prospectus and further info, please phone 973/543-4471. The judge is Kathleen Palmer.

You might want to view ... the Garden State Watercolor Society 2008 Member Exhibition at the Anne Reid Art Gallery at the Princeton Day School, 650 The Great Road in Princeton. The show runs from until April 29th (RVAA members Joan McKinney and Diana Patton have work in it; there are 60 pieces). Gallery hours are Mon through Fri, 8 am to 5 pm. You can also go to www.pds.org

Previous Newsletters

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Mar. 2008 newsletter
Feb. 2008 newsletter
Jan. 2008 newsletter
Oct. 2007 newsletter
Sept. 2007 newsletter
May 2007 newsletter
April 2007 newsletter
March 2007 newsletter


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