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Raritan Valley Arts Association



October Newsletter 2007   President: Linda Arnold
Newsletter: Diana Patton
497 Stony Brook Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

Sultry Autumn Greetings!

As I write this October 7th, it is warm and hazy out, high 70s and humid, rather tropical, although butter yellow leaves are falling and blowing about in the breeze. Quite amazing! And those who come to our next meeting, Monday, October 22nd, will undoubtedly be amazed at, and learn from, our demonstrator in pastels, Christina Debarry. A multi-award winner, RVAA has hosted Christina before and she is a consistent "crowd pleaser". You will want to be there, Room B, 7:30 pm, 10/22 at the Somerset County Library! Thelma Canty and Lib Ryman will be our Hospitality providers for this meeting and we thank you!

September's demonstrator, Joan Gleason, mesmerized us all with her icons and explanations of painting icons. This was a field most of us knew nothing about and all reported having a really good time and learning a lot.

DUES ARE DUE! Please send your checks made out to RVAA to our Membership Chairman Doug Axmann, 16 Schoolhouse Lane, Somerville, NJ 08876. Dues are $30. Individual, $35. Family, and $15. Student (through high school). Dues will get you all these demonstrations, two or three exhibits a year (including our Holiday Extravaganza at the Somerset County Library, which runs a month), the annual Big Apple Trip, the newsletters, a presence on the internet, and last, but not least, lots of camaraderie.

November 26th we will guest Amy Faris, Liquitex Ed. Adviser-please save the date!

Have you looked lately at our very own website? www.raritanvalleyarts.org> is looking good, for thirteen of our members are up with two paintings each. The rest of you should really email or snail mail me photos and a short (75 words or so) bio so we can put your work up. No charge for you. Our featured artist presently is our president Linda Arnold. Remember, you don't have to have a computer to mail me photos of your work-we'll scan them in and put them up-you'll have a "web presence" (and you can always visit the site at the library).

By the time you receive this the great Paint Out at the Boudinot-Southard-Ross Property will be just a pleasant memory. Did you note the paintings by Rita Gorky and Judy Hummer in the mansion which they completed en plein air last year?

A longtime member of RVAA Fran Marell has just moved to sunny South Carolina- Fran has always attended our meetings, gone to our Holiday Dinners, and exhibited in all our shows. She has now just retired and her brand new home is near her daughter's family with two adorable children, Dani and D.J. We wish Fran all the best and are sure that she will soon be part of the art scene down there. Fran's new address is 311 Star Hill Court, Lexington, S.C. 29073. We will really miss you, Fran!

Members in the News

Unfortunately your editor missed the Tewksbury show completely but a little birdie told me that RVAA members did extremely well. Elsa Herrmann received the prestigious Joan Day Memorial Award (and sold the painting, as well); Linda Arnold was awarded Second in Florals, Kathy Blair was awarded Honorable Mention in Landscapes, and Joan McKinney was awarded Honorable Mention in Buildings. Also in this lovely juried show were Doug Axmann, Pat Barnabeo, Rita Gorky, Judy Hummer, Collette Lemay, Lib Ryman, and Donna Souren.

Diana Patton was awarded Third Place in the ABCs Children's Picture Book Competition ..... sorry, I have to step out of the editorial "we" position and just say thank you to all who voted for CHARLEMAGNE TO THE RESCUE. I was happy to become a finalist and although I did not win the publishing contract, I think Charlemagne and I did just fine with third place, seeing as all but two of the other finalists were illustrator/writer teams seeking votes. And the reason it's fine, is the support and votes from you all-it has been a busy and amazing summer and "campaign". www.charlemagnethefish.com is up and running, with more games, photos, aquarium reviews, videos, and more being added and so it will continue. Please have fun on the site! And Charlemagne and I shall swim on, upstream, I suppose, toward our goal of having his tales be published. Thank you to all who voted or otherwise wished us well. Oh, yes, all 12 of the finalist stories with their illustration will continue to be online at www.abcbookcompetition.org

Back to the editorial voice-your editor needs you to snail mail or email your news. Your editor is not getting out to as many shows as she might, because she is focusing more on her second career, but she wants to hear what you are doing! Please!

Previous Newsletters

Click on newsletter you want to view newsletter.
Sept. 2007 newsletter
May 2007 newsletter
April 2007 newsletter
March 2007 newsletter


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